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AutoControl Triggers

In AutoControl, an action can be triggered by the following methods:
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Mouse shortcuts
  • Joystick shortcuts
  • Mouse gestures
  • Browser events
  • Any combination of the above
All this methods are collectively known as TRIGGERS.

In the following tables you'll find abundant examples of the different forms a trigger can take.

A Press A while no other keys or buttons are pressed on any device
A Release A while no other keys or buttons are pressed on any device
* + A Press A while other buttons are, optionally, held down on other devices, except the keyboard. The asterisk acts as a wildcard for keys/buttons on other devices.
** + A Press A while other keys and buttons are, optionally, held down on any device (including the keyboard). The double asterisk acts as a wildcard for keys/buttons on any device.
* + Middle Btn Press middle mouse button while other keys and buttons are, optionally, held down on other devices, except the mouse
** + Middle Btn Press middle mouse button while other keys and buttons are, optionally, held down on any device (including the mouse)
* + Joy 1 - Btn 1 Press button #1 in joystick #1 while other keys and buttons are, optionally, held down on other devices, except joystick #1
** + Joy 1 - Btn 1 Press button #1 in joystick #1 while other keys and buttons are, optionally, held down on any device (including joystick #1)
A2 Press A twice
A2 Release A twice
A Hold down A for a period of time (click on the key to specify the hold-down period)
A2 Hold down A for a period of time, twice
Control + A Press A while Control is held down
A + Control Press Control while A is held down
** + Control + A Press A while Control is NOT held down and, at the same time, other keys and buttons can, optionally, be held down on any device
B + C + D + A Press A while B and D are held down and C is NOT held down
D + B + C + A Same as above. The rightmost key must be pressed last, the rest can be pressed in any order
Caps Lock + Vert. Wheel Turn vertical scroll wheel down while Caps Lock is toggled ON
Num Lock + Caps Lock Press Caps Lock while Num Lock is toggled OFF
5 Drag your mouse downwards while no other keys or buttons are being held down on any device
* + 1 Drag your mouse upwards while keys/buttons can, optionally, be held down on other devices, except the mouse
** + 7 Drag your mouse to the left while keys/buttons can, optionally, be held down on any device (including the mouse)
Control + 53 Drag your mouse in an L shape while Control is held down
Scroll Lock + 2468 Drag your mouse in a diamond shape while Scroll Lock is toggled ON
Tab opens This is a browser event. The associated action will fire whenever a tab is opened and no other keys and buttons are pressed on any device.
* + Window opens The action will fire when a window is opened and any keys/buttons are, optionally, being held down on any device.
** + Window opens Same as above. The single and double wildcards have the same effect on browser events.
4th Btn + Tab closes The action will fire when a tab is closed while the 4th mouse button is being held down
Num Lock + Tab audio starts The action will fire when a tab starts playing audio while Num Lock is toggled ON

Multi-step triggers

A trigger can also be a sequence of steps, where each step can be any possible combination as seen in the table above.

A B C Press A, then B, then C while no other keys and buttons are held down on any device.
* + A * + B * + C Press A, then B, then C while other buttons can, optionally, be held down on other devices.
** + A ** + B ** + C Press A, then B, then C while other keys/buttons can, optionally, be held down on any device.
Control + A Control + B Press A and then B while Control is being held down.
Control Control Press and release Control with no keys/buttons in between. i.e. the trigger will fire its action only if Control is pressed and released without being combined with anything else, such as Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Click, etc.
Joy 1 - Y Axis down Joy 1 - Y Axis down + Joy 1 - X Axis right Joy 1 - X Axis right + Joy 1 - Y Axis down Joy 1 - X Axis right + Joy 1 - Btn 1 On joystick #1, do a quarter circle forward + button #1. This is the famous HADOUKEN COMBO move.
Down Down + Right Right + Down Right + A Do the HADOUKEN COMBO on the keyboard.
65432187 Scroll Lock + Caps Lock + Vert. Wheel3 Drag your mouse in a complete circle and then turn the vertical scroll wheel up three notches while holding down Caps Lock and Scroll Lock is toggled ON.
A B Press B, not preceded by A. That is, the associated action will NOT fire if you press A and then B
A B C Press C, not preceded by the sequence A ยป B. That is, the action will NOT fire if you press A then B then C.
A B C Press B and then C, but B must not be preceded by A.